Interview with a film maker


K.C is a first year film student and film enthusiast. She gave one of the most insightful interviews I have ever done.

DO you consider yourself a film maker? “Yes. But not a good one right now, I’m getting there though.”

What makes you different from the other kids taking film?  “I think its our personal experiences that make us different. Our experiences reflect in our films, my perspective will always be different from someone else’s, and you can see that in the films I make.”

Can you describe a personal experience that motivates you to create your films? “I think what motivates me is years of not being good at anything and a newly found motivation to prove a lot of people wrong. It was clear from a young age; I wasn’t too bright or I wasn’t artistic in a way that teachers could see. I guarantee that none of my High school teachers took me seriously when I told them I was interested in film. Because they couldn’t immediately see talent in me. And I was dumb enough to think that was a good enough reason that I couldn’t do film. It’s take awhile, but I’m learning to stop comparing myself to others and I’m determined to prove wrong the people who didn’t think I was good enough.”

DO your parents support your Journey? “They support it as much as they can. I think they were just happy that I went to college at all. I can still sense some doubt from them sometimes, but I think they’re too scared that I might second guess myself and give up. They don’t want to deal with another emotional mess.”

what activates do you do outside of film? “I like going to clubs at my college like the GSA (Gay-Straight alliance) club. Where I can be in a safe environment and be around understanding people as I come to terms with my sexuality. I also volunteer for charitable organizations, like Habitat of Humanity. Keeps me busy.”

Do you have any advice for new film students who are worried about being openly gay in the industry? “I can’t say that you won’t encounter discrimination. We still live in a world where homophobia is very real and prominent. But any hardships that you face, should add to your determination. Just smile and nod through all the bullshit, because once you prove to them that they were wrong, you’ve started opening doors for others in the LGBT+ Community.”

Last question: What do you hope to achieve after film? “I hope after film, that I’ve made an impact. I still have a lot of growing to do and so much more to learn. But hopefully with a lot of hard work, I can use my films to connect to people. Even if I only impact a small group of people, I’d considered that a major win.”

K.C is an inspiration to many students who are going into the Arts and Media Industries. She is brave and bold. I Think she will be very successful and is a great example for students to identify with. Good luck K.C

